Writing Ecopoetry: On ZOOM - Yellow Arrow Publishing, Wednesdays March 4, 26, April 16, May 7, 2025 7:00-8:30pm. Learn more and register here.

Writing Ekphrastic Poetry: Get Inspired by Art! On ZOOM - Maine Media, Wednesdays April 2-30, 2025, 2-4pm. Learn more and register here.

Nature Poetry: From Pastoral to Ecopoetry, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), UNCW, Mondays, October 7-28, 1:00 - 2:30 pm. Registration opens August 1, 2024.

The natural world has inspired poets throughout history, as nature sustains and renews human beings. Today many poets recognize the need to rethink how we respect and protect non-human life as well. We will study poetry that spans a wide range of relationships between people and the rest of the natural world from anthologies such as Poet Laureate Ada Limon’s 2024 You Are Here: Poetry in the Natural World, and Melissa Tuckey’s Ghost Fishing: An Eco-Justice Poetry Anthology. We will reflect on these models to create our own visions of nature poetry and spend part of our time together drafting our own poems. (See Testimonials below from 2023 OLLI participants.)

Art and Poetry at the Cameron Art Museum, Wilmington NC

Wednesdays, April 17, 24, and May 1, 2024 11:30 - 1:00pm (in person) Register here.

Come explore Ekphrastic poetry - poetry inspired by visual art. At each of the 3 weekly sessions, we will examine different ways poets have responded to art and then visit one of the CAM galleries to write our own responses to works in the exhibition. Whether you are a poet looking for a new avenue of inspiration, someone just beginning to write poetry, or someone who wants to delve more deeply into the artwork at the CAM through writing, this workshop is designed to support your journey.

Ekphrastic Poetry: Art Inspires Art! On Zoom SOLD OUT

Wednesdays, January 17, February 21, March 20, 2024, 7:00 - 8:00 pm

Sponsored by Yellow Arrow Publishing

Ekphrastic poetry can open new doors to creativity! In each of the three sessions of this workshop, we’ll explore different ways poets connect with art through reading and discussing Ekphrastic poems by Anne Sexton, Patricia Smith, Barbara Crooker and others.  You will have opportunities to try out the techniques they used and build a community of support as we share and learn together. 

Cape Fear Museum Poetry Workshop, Free Event (registration required)

Sunday, January 21, 2024, 2:00 - 4:00 pm (in person), 814 Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28401

A special museum workshop celebrating the last day of the photography exhibit, Reflections in Black and White, through exploring poetry inspired by visual art. Local poets Martha Afetse’ and Joanne Durham will share poems by contemporary poets written from historic photographs as well as other art forms. Then you will have the opportunity to draft your own responses to photographs from the exhibit.

Ekphrastic Poetry for Readers and Writers, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), Wilmington, NC - Fall 2023, Mondays, Oct. 23 - Nov. 6

Ekphrastic poetry is poetry inspired by art, whether photographs, paintings, sculpture or other forms. This course is for potential poets, active poets looking for new approaches, and others who simply enjoy learning more about poetry. We explore ekphrastic poems by famous poets, as well as published poems written by the instructor, to delve into how art can jog personal connections and inspire themes, language and form for poetry. Each session includes time for participants to jot down their own responses to selected works of art.

“From the whole team at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UNCW, thank you for your outstanding contribution to our program once again this year. Your four-part course on writing nature poetry was universally well received by the participants and much appreciated!” -Jennifer Heber-Brown, Program Coordinator

Testimonials from participants in OLLI 3-session course:

“Joanne is an excellent facilitator. I learned much about this topic. I would recommend her course for any lover of poetry. Brava Joanne!”

“What a wonderful opportunity to be inspired by a new form of poetry…I would take any course that she offered.”

“This is a lovely course that coaxed out that inner poet in all of us. Joanne shared a wealth of her resources. And she generously gave her own time to communicate out of class, providing a greater forum for our efforts.”

“Joanne was terrific! She was engaging and supportive and knowledgeable. 100% recommend!”